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Old 06-24-2017, 12:28 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by 10/10ths View Post
..."Cornered the market"? Really? A low volume car that is 20 years old? Really? WHAT FREAKING MARKET?????

You think there is enough money in THAT pool for more than a couple of companies to actually engineer, test, and market and support a freaking bearing that a lot of folks don't even THINK they need?

What color is the sky in your world?
Well they made about 340,000 986/996 units combined. Granted, that includes turbos and gt3s that don't have the IMS issue but I would imagine those cars are a small part of the total. I wouldn't say its like the market for a honda civic but I certainly wouldn't call it low volume. They made a ton of these things.

OP, here is the most cost effective bearing if that's what your after. Claimed to be good for 40K. Costs $185

Pelican Parts IMS Bearing Retrofit Kit -
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