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Old 06-24-2017, 11:15 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by mikefocke View Post
So the OP wants to create the widest possible audience and the least resistance on the part of the buyer.

The best known brand name is LN. The kit cost is in the $700 range but by the time an experienced mechanic does the job, the bill often climbs to $2k.

Will the OP recover that when he sells? Probably not. But it may sell faster and for a bit more compared to a car that didn't have the replacement.

An alternative is price the car $1k below what it would sell for with the IMS replaced. Hope someone not knowledgeable buys it at that price. If someone knowledgeable comes along and wants a PPI, have them pay for the PPI and if the PPI includes a filter drop or even a pan drop, the buyer is welcome to make his choice of IMS bearings and pay for it himself/herself. The OP will have contributed to the cost of the IMS but not had the risk of doing it and then not recovering the cost.

As a buyer, I'd rather buy that way because then I'd know that the replacement was done as a preventative measure and not after the original had contaminated all the oil passages and ground down all the other bearings.
The issue is buyers don't want the hassle or to have to pay. They want the job done and not have to worry. Problem is that LN have cornered the market to the point that people see anything else as inferior. Personally i have a problem paying so much for a bearing.
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