Originally Posted by Oldcarguy
Best wishes for a reasonably quick and a high quality repair! Glad that you are ok.
During my driving life, I've been rear ended twice, both times by distracted drivers while I was already stopped at a red light and I was the second or third car at the light, with my foot lightly on the brake to keep the brake lights on. Once in Houston in my guards red 924S and once in Dallas in my newly repainted bright blue (I forget what Ford calls that color) 1968 Mustang. Getting rear-ended is one of the many things I really watch for, especially when riding a motorcycle.
The first words out of the nice middle aged lady's mouth that hit my 924S were 'my husband is going to kill me for doing this again to my new Cadillac' 
Thanks, I have been on both sides of this too many times now. Last January I was the one who didn't come to a stop quite fast enough when freeway traffic came to a halt with my Boxster, so the front was perfect, not a stone chip on it! I also found out there is a waitlist for my upcoming HPDE so I can cancel without penalty. The ironic thing is my daily driver Acura TL was backed into in the car wash line 10 days ago by Toyota FJ with a tow hitch and it was getting a new front bumper cover installed yesterday.