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Old 05-25-2017, 10:53 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by 78F350 View Post
I think that there just isn't a good enough pay-off for anyone looking to develop an actual kit.

There simply isn't enough of a demand to supply a turn key "kit" for an LS-based conversion. Additionally, there's a significant amount of modifications to the body, wiring and cooling system that no kit would ever would ever be able to provide a true bolt-in solution.

Bottom line, if you're not comfortable cutting / welding / soldering, then the LS swap is not in your best interests.

The Audi V8 swap, however, could be a different story. This engine has the highest possibility of a bolt-in solution. I'm almost willing to bet it could be done without modifying the firewall.

However, you need to remember the audience in all this. The typical individual looking at performing a V8 swap is anticipating DOUBLE the power output of the original engine (500hp vs. 250hp) While the Audi "could" be a more simple swap procedure, it's simply not going to achieve the same power levels as the Chevrolet design... as least not at the same cost break.

Finally, I enjoy not having a good kit available. It makes my car a little more unique.
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