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Old 05-24-2017, 02:17 PM   #24
"50 Years of 550 Spyder"
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...Mike's right. NEVER lock a convertible. Better they open her up and see for themselves there is nothing to steal, then for them to take out their pocket knife and cut your $4,000 top.

Also, the cars that get stolen, usually get stolen for parts. Those cars are the ones that need lots of replacement parts for body shops in large numbers. So the top ten stolen cars every year are full size pickups, Camrys, Accords, etc.

The next level of theft of cars is for joy rides, then exotics that are just worth a lot because of what they are.

Soooooo, if you own a 20 year old, stick-shift, Boxster.....NOBODY will steal her. She wasn't built in large enough numbers to make body shops need their fenders, she's not exotic enough for car nuts to steal, and 80% of the population can't drive a manual transmission in the USA today, so that cuts out most of the joy ride theft crowd.

Don't worry, be happy.
550 SE #310---"It's more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow."
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