Originally Posted by mikefocke
In 5 years, I doubt I ever locked the car and frequently left the car parked with the top down at the local Walmart. I have this attitude of "if you want it, take,it. Just don't hurt the car.". It isn't a car that is the target of joyriders. And I seldom had much in the way of valuables in it.
Here in Florida, I would never dream of leaving the car unlocked or even parked with the top down. There are too many vindictive people who will damage your car just for fun because YOU have a Porsche and they don't. I live in a gated community and we still have thieves (probably neighbors) who patrol at night pulling on car doors and stealing stuff inside. A gentlemen down the block had his laptop and two pistols stolen from his glovebox (don't ask why he had his pistols in an unlocked vehicle.