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Old 05-03-2017, 06:45 AM   #8
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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If you do get a key blade/locks/ignition tumbler, here's some helpful links if you DIY some of the replacement.
Pelican Parts has a series of tech articles about the car. Here's one specific to the door lock, there's another about removing the door panel:
Porsche Boxster Door Lock Mechanism / Door Handle - 986 / 987 (1997-08) - Pelican Parts Technical Article

I suggest replacing the ignition tumbler so that you can use one (same) key for the locks and ignition. Just make sure that you have your current transponder 'pill' in whaterver key you use to start the car.

Some of the videos and DIY articles about replacing the ignition tumbler are much more complicated than they have to be. There is no need to pull the steering column apart. Simply turn the key and insert a straightened paperclip or metal probe in the hole to relase the tumbler:
***video link is no longer valid***
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.

Last edited by 78F350; 12-19-2017 at 08:50 PM. Reason: Deleted link to video
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