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Old 04-30-2017, 06:46 AM   #27
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by heymanwatchthis View Post
Would one of you guys be willing to make a video of how you put the top up and down in this manual configuration? Thanks!
Maybe later... I drove the Neon to work today.
It is simple:
  1. Unlatch the top normally at the windshield.
  2. Standing beside the car, lift the back of the clamshell and place it all the way up. - It should stay up without support.
  3. Lift and pull back the top from the front with one hand, and fold at the window with the other hand. - It should drop in the the lowered position.
  4. Place the clamshell back down.

Still want a video?
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