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Old 04-14-2017, 03:55 PM   #33
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I moved, and alas my Bentley, as well as my 101 Boxster projects (which is excellent by the way, thanks Mark!) is still lost in the flotsam and jetsam that accompanies every move.

However, I do tend to try and give back to the forum as it is based on give and receive. A long time ago I gave away some parts as I have on occasion (forgot about it actually) and that returned a PDF containing all the information needed to continue the pursuit of this gremlin. So with a new lance in hand, I'm charging this windmill again.

With that in mind, I recently bought a couple of clusters to try and fix mine. A base from a visit to Woody's at an incredibly reasonable price that will stay between him and me, and an 02S that I picked up for $129 on Ebay. Both have been disassembled and re-assembled several times with the battle scars to prove it. The S was dropped and the back plastic cover is now broken.

Both are available for the cost of shipping if anyone wants them. First dibs on either one goes to a certain person who took the time to send me a passel of PDFs
2003 S manual

Last edited by Jamesp; 04-14-2017 at 03:58 PM.
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