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Old 04-13-2017, 05:07 PM   #25
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Buzzed out the wiring harness, and without a 2003 wiring diagram that's useless. Found that the ground lead for the change over valve goes back to the appropriate ground leads. The power lead was quite funky. First off, the connectors on the "Cartronics" computer mounted to the firewall seem to be pinned differently for different DME's. I'm working with a DME 7.2 schematic, but the car is DME 7.8, and the blue and red wire for the change over valve shows up in a completely different place on the cars computer connectors. Also, conductivity from the change over valve positive wire shows up in 3 pin locations! Am I looking at incorrect schematics, or do I have shorts between *three*, count them 3 wires in the harness? 2 shorts between 3 wires seems unlikely. I manually cycled the change over and shut off valves over 100 times to reduce the chance the recently replaced shut off valve is sticking due to carbon buildup. Doesn't seem to be sticking. The car goes back together tomorrow and gets driven to see what happens. Whose idea was this whole SAI thing anyway? I need to send them a Thank You card.
2003 S manual
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