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Old 04-13-2017, 10:42 AM   #28
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Every wear part has its limits. LN is specific in its recommendations on who should use their $800 part and who should consider their part that is more expensive. And a part that lasts 6 years is probably within the limits of clutch life too. So that is quite a reasonable target.

LN has produced multiple versions at multiple price points. Just like Porsche and their cars. The market dictates. Be grateful for their continued investment in your future.

And distributors have old parts in the pipeline. LN doesn't sell directly.

And shop owners have limits to their spending. Unless they are big and established and so know that they can amortize the cost of a tool upgrade over many many uses.

By all means, specify by SKU. By all means, ask what tools the shop has and instructions the shop will follow. Remember this ad: An informed shopper is our best customer.
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