Originally Posted by DaveNW
He's quoting the $1725 for the IMS Solution, "as much as" 18 hours labor @ $100/hour, (a discount off his normal rate), fluids, and tax. Includes the RMS as well, since he's in there. So his quote "could be" $4K, and would be less, if labor was less. He says he won't know till he gets in there, but wanted to warn me that it could be that high. He's a good mechanic I trust, (known him for years), but the price was still a bit hard to swallow.
just an FYI quote i got was around $2550
- replace bearing
- trans flush
- cooling sys flush
'01 tip...
and not to jinx myself, still on original bearing @135k miles
"Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you."
Last edited by tonycarreon; 03-23-2017 at 12:32 PM.