@madmac - yeah if you look in the reviews there's an image of them, look the same as the ones in the 'free' ebay ones. Seems like they are wary of posting vendor logos in the ads though.
@Anker - All I can say is I regularly buy stuff from China via AliExpress, Bangood and Fasttech, and haven't had any issues, other than really slow delivery of course. Never had anything not arrive, have had stuff replaced for free by vendors that arrive broken, and have got a few items completely free when they arrive after the delivery cutoff. Haven't had any issues with card fraud either. Don't want to sound like an ad, just my experience

To be fair though, sometimes the actual product is crap, but then what can you expect for the price, I wouldn't buy anything 'important' on there! Dunno, maybe they target/handle US cards differently or something?
ps. I've just bought a set of the caps for fun, think I can afford to splash $2 for science... will let you know what arrives!