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Old 03-05-2017, 10:09 AM   #22
Racer Boy
Racer Boy
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Originally Posted by The Radium King View Post
i've seen people suggest that before and struggle with it. it's like telling a lumberjack not to buy a chainsaw until he gets as good as he can with an axe. if you are out to cut down as many trees as possible then get the right tool for the job.
Let me clarify what I meant. Steve let another driver takes some laps in his car, and the other driver was 5 seconds a lap quicker. As humbling as that is, it shows that Steve has a ways to go before he approaches his car's limits. At this stage in his development as a driver, his resources might be better spent on working on his own driving.

Please know that I am in no way casting aspersions on Steve's driving abilities, from what I've read, he is in the process of learning a lot, and he is constantly improving (that is exactly what you want to do!).

I've seen other learning driver's make the mistake of making big changes to their car so it felt better to them, when they were many seconds off of what the car was capable of. As those drivers improved, they ended up un-doing those changes because as they went quicker, the car was set up totally wrong for the increased pace.
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