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Old 03-01-2017, 01:46 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
You are welcome for those 'genreric' air flow visuals! I plan on doing the 996 but will post using my RL account under the same alias. I'll shoot you a PM to let you know where to find those. As for messing-up with aero; I think it is fair to say that Porsche have carried out this work and have designed the car to safety limits already Any modification can be costly if not validated indeed. So best to stick to what the pro (Porsche) recommends loll
If you’re also planning on doing something 997 related, well, I’ve done my homework on the Sport Classic and I have a suggestion for you.

The Sport Classic is the only 996 or 997 with a duck tail – on other cars it wasn’t even an option. As far as I can tell, the closest equivalents to the 997.2 Sport Classic are the 997.2 C4 GTS and the 997.2 C4S with the X51 powerkit. All three are wide bodies, and will have larger air intakes in the front bumper than normal Carreras. (The next closest match is the 997.2 C4S without the powerkit, though not sure if the bumper, radiators, etc. are the same.)

The C4 GTS has a Cd of 0.30, versus the Sport Classic’s 0.32. It’s easy to blame the duck tail, but it could also be the double bubble roof or the aftermarket looking side skirts. And I’m not sure the bumper is the same either. It would be very interesting to see what your software shows about both drag (where the difference is) and lift.

By the way, the GTS was available with and without a GT3 style wing (which was probably an option on C4Ss as well). Comparing eiher version to the Sport Classic would be hugely interesting. And if you will be modelling enough cars to do all three rear ends (normal, duck tailed, and winged), then you’d have all the rear aero answers!

Anyway, much though I’d love to see the aero analysis of my car, as you’ve probably guessed, I’d give my vote to the Sport Classic. And I’m betting I’m not the only 996 (or 997) owner who would do the same.
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