oh noes! the newbie thread death spiral!
it goes like this:
- newbie posts that they want to buy a boxster (or, often, a boxter) but have read about this ims thing and are a little concerned.
- resident tough guys tell newbie to either (a) buy a (insert favourite brand of Japanese car here) if they are worried about repair costs, or (b) use the search function as this has been asked a million times before. tough guys get to add more posts to their post count without even breaking a sweat (they can just cut and paste their last response to a newbie).
- helpful person tells them not to worry about the ims and just enjoy the car. typically helpful person has not experienced an ims failure.
- person who has experienced an ims failure, or is just a chronic worrier, responds that ims failure is real, quotes class action lawsuits, tales of woe they have personally experienced or read on the internet, etc.
- thread deteriorates into three to five pages of whether the ims fails or not, how often, on what years of cars, why it fails, how to prevent it, who's solution is better that the other guys, patents, testing, replacement ims failure rates, oil weight and change interval, driving habits, other failure modes to worry about even if the ims is replaced, etc etc etc.
- newbie gives up and buys a (insert favourite brand of Japanese car here).
conclusion? newbies should not be allowed to mention ims in their first 50 posts - it's like fentanyl around here (thought that i'd throw that in for the med student).
ps i'm joking.