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Old 02-24-2017, 12:22 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Ciao View Post
I would not discount the earlier model Boxsters 99-2003ish. As you stated there is no compelling proof of IMS bearing failures. Find a well maintained Boxster regardless of year and it will last as long as you want it. Regardless of year, basic maintenance or lack of will determine whether or not you have mechanical issues.

Good Luck!
I would disagree with this assesment. Having just gone through an IMS failure at 100k miles in an '03 Boxster S, the risk is real if you don't upgrade the bearing. Reports are that similar vintages experience ~8% failure rate. And don't buy into the "if it was OK at 30k it'll be fine until 230k" adage, it's just not true.

Conventional wisdom seems to be to ignore the factory recomendations on oil changes and do them every 5-6k. And if you don't want to file bankruptcy from going to the dealer for oil changes, buy your own filters, crush washers and oil. I even take mine to a nearby Jiffy Lube (gasps of horror from other forrum users). I watch them do it, and take the oil filter home in a tupperware container for later analysis.

Re: Oil filter analysis. I do this but I'm increasingly dubious of the value. After all, once you find metal shavings in the oil the engine is likely full of metal debris and is headed for an expensive rebuild (unless you take this as a signal to trade or sell the car). My filter was cut open by my indie shop (I had them change the oil as it was in for other work) and pronounced clear at 93k. Failure at 100k.
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