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Old 02-22-2017, 02:54 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Escy View Post
I'm the guy doing the Audi 2.7t swap. It's probably the easiest engine to fit as it'll bolt straight up to a 5 speed transaxle and it's not too big. I haven't had to cut my shell at all.

Turbocharging a Boxster isn't cheap or easy, regardless of the engine so if you are only wanting 350bhp i'd probably be looking at the Audi V8 (will require hacking to fit it).
That reminds me; my original idea was to try out a 2.8L V6 from a B5 which is very similar to the 2.7TT without the turbos. I only went as far as fitting it in the engine bay. That would probably be the easiest, least expensive alternative to replace a failed 2.5L M96. For all the trouble though, it isn't an upgrade and the full cost of doing the swap would probably be higher than a replacement 2.5L.
Here's a pic with the engine sitting a little higher than it would actually mount:
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