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Old 02-11-2017, 02:43 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by RedTele58 View Post
BRAN - lots and lots of pictures and a detailed write-up please of prepping the top and installation. Thanks!
Sure thing!!
The top comes with a 14 page installation manual, side and rear windows and parts.

First impressions:
The roof is much lighter and firmer than I expected (without the windows).
There are minor grooves and chips here and there, but hey, I did not expect German built quality. The roof (most probably) needs to be trimmed alongside the little removable side covers on our cars. A dremel or Nakai-san should be your friend there

Recommendation was: take your time, let the roof sit on your car for a couple of days (btw...optimal conditions are pointing more towards the end of spring with ~20-25° have no heater in my garage, so barely above freezing temperature in there, then re-adjust and ALWAYS make sure, that the windshield-roof alignment is perfect throughout the whole adjustment much for the very welcome tips of the seller.

After the step-by-step adjustments are done, grooves/chips/and maybe holes ('cuz you cut away too much) are filled...then sanding, primer and the whole shebang...after that windows, seals, rubber, light and the other shebang be continued
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Last edited by BRAN; 02-13-2017 at 09:46 AM.
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