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Old 02-07-2017, 08:50 PM   #10
The Radium King
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ok. fml for taking a risk. i lost. here is the gsr item:

1/2" plate w 3" pulley, designed to mount to the same flange that the ps pump mounts to. gsr gone, but perhaps contact hergesheimer motorsports as i *think* they had some affiliation with gsr?

here is the 987.2 item:

the dfi engines have a different belt routing and need an idler pulley if you delete the ac. this is the oem porsche part for the cayman r. i cross-referenced part numbers and the ac compressor is the same part number for the m96/m97 and dfi engines so i thought it would work on my car. wrong. must've been screwed by the part # cross-references. so, anybody want a 987.2 ac delete pulley?
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