Originally Posted by steved0x
Also please add a 3rd radiator if it is a Boxster S 
hmmm, well spotted
Originally Posted by JayG
Fred, can you do a run with the top down and see how it differs from top up?
I'm also dying to see this. Hard job tho as the model needs to be a water-tight solid body. But I'll try for sure.
Originally Posted by PaulE
Can you re-run the aerodynamics with your new center caps? I just know they will improve things.  Just kidding, I am a big fan of your work. I was also surprised to see that your wing creates lift, just goes to show that you can't eyeball aerodynamic effects, the wing looks like it would create downforce.
Paul - can't do that. Those caps create such a violent vortex the team at Porsche studio will need to recall all those GT3. See it on the bright side though; so violent that the brake dust is sucked off the wheel (self-cleaning wheel)
Re wing: does not create any downforce or let's say nothing like the stock slab (tombstone?) that Porsche designed. The CFD I ran was based on my actual set-up (the wing + slab up). The Ricer in me said that the more wings you have the better. Results were so 'lifty' that I'm sure I would have killed myself if I'd ever ran this car on the circuit here (thank god I never did). City car only and I can't drive faster than 80km/h anywhere without murdering 1.4billion other drivers in front of me anyway :/
Those eBay sellers should really warn idiots (like myself) about the risks LOL