Originally Posted by 99 Boxcutter
One for now please.
You realize those are not waterproof, but then you wouldn't want that for a sport-car cover anyway. The whole idea is to have them dry-up as fast as they wet. The wind is also an issue: waterproof/multi-layers car covers will act as a parachute for your car in case of strong wind lolll
Saying not waterproof; well, nearly is in practice. 98% of the water bounce right off it and drip around the car instead. You get the idea. You can spray them with Camping Tent Silicon spray if you are really concerned about water but by all means, do not use a fully waterproof cover for any of your car man (eg. those advertised with super thick multi-layers at $80 bucks each, beware)
The one here is a dust cover, is what they are really. UV protection, etc.