Originally Posted by steved0x
If I ever do an oil cooler I would probably go with the Mocal thermostatic sandwich plate coupled with a derale scoop cooler (if I can find a spot under there) or else the derale hypercooler with fan pack with possibly a duct to pull cooler air from somewhere, maybe under the car. Keeping the OEM heat exchanger in place. Short lines so hopefully minimal pressure loss. However my oil temp, as measured in the left valve cover, mostly stays between 200 and 220 (at Roebling in the 70's it gets to 210-215 by the end of a 20 minute session) and on tracks that are a lot full throttle (Sebring and the FIRM for me in July) it will get over 220 by the end but not to 240, and I have never been over 240F.
Oil.pressure for me starts to go down (as observed on my videos around 210 or so), if I got a cooler it would be to try and keep my oil closer to 200F to minimize pressure drops during cornering.
Again, the problem is size. Oil to air coolers have to be larger than oil to water coolers, just to be equivalent in heat exchange capacity.
“Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein