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Old 01-03-2017, 09:43 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by steved0x View Post
Both feet in mother %&*$#@ and keep them there. That's what I used to say until I had a spin where I went both feet in hard and the abs came on and let me roll backwards across the track just like that even though I was mashing the brake as hard as I could. However it looked like the corvette just released the brakes and rolled back... It is a peeve of mine...
I have not experienced ABS active roll backwards? Yikes! Do you drop the clutch nowadays? In my younger days I have had big ABS cut out switches on my car such that I could shut it down if it started to get me in trouble

I am thinking I have never had this as in all my spins I have managed to use brakes to keep a fairly straight and keep forward momentum once things have snapped around.....been a while though for me. This excludes my Jeep on 401 black ice event
986 00S
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