Thread: Torque wrench
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Old 12-13-2016, 02:55 PM   #44
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This is a thin ice subject, the moment it cracks you find yourself in deep water. To get good quality, you need to spend good money. To get optimum accuracy, you need multiple wrenches.

Realistically, a basic tool set for a home shop would have three torque wrenches minimum: 1/2 drive for up to 150 ft. lbs., 3/8 drive for 10-75 ft. lbs., and a 3/8 drive inch pound wrench for the myriad of low torque fasteners found on these cars.

I buy only Snap-On for their accuracy and ability to hold accuracy, but I can justify the cost. You need to look at torque measuring tools as a long term investment; buy good ones and you will still be using them in 30 years on whatever car you own then.
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