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Old 12-05-2016, 10:21 AM   #22
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Fountain Hills
Posts: 103

Great point. I'm glad you brought this up.

So I just ordered my brake pad stuff from Pelican. I ordered to standard NON-ceramic type pads made by Textar. The guy who helped be out (Bruce) set me up with all the other stuff I will need.

He too mentioned bleeding the brakes, but said I could get away with only bleeding the front brakes and not worry about the rear. Do you guys agree with that? Reason I ask is most of the stuff I've read about that say you do all 4 wheels. I know on an aircraft I used to fly we could do just one wheel at a time, but I'm not sure how much transfer there is here....

I have read/heard to do this every two years. The car came with great records of all the maintenance that's been done on it, but the problem is, these dealer mechanics can't write and I can barely read their hard writing!! I think I need to have my wife decode their writing, she used to be a teacher!

SO, let's for the moment assume I cannot read/decode or otherwise verify an actual last brake bleed date. In this case I should for sure do the job.

One final question for the moment...I have no idea what kind of pads are on the front wheel right now. The only thing I can be sure of is: they were put on by the dealer at some point and I really can't complain about the amount of dust. The wheels do get a little dirty, but whipping them clean is very easy. I just don't know if they are ceramic or not. My guess is they are NOT ceramic.

Did I make a mistake by getting non-ceramic pads? I was pretty happy with the $88.00 price of those pads. I can't say I'd be happy about $110.00 pads, but what do I know...
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