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Old 12-01-2016, 08:11 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Fountain Hills
Posts: 103
When to replace the brake pads??


I noticed my front pads appear to be about 1/8" thick (maybe a bit more) and the rears look to be about 3/8" thick (also maybe a bit more).

I'm thinking that the front should be done soon, but how thin it thin enough?

Also, I have never done a break pad job on any car before, but doing it on my 1997 Boxster seems like a fun, rewarding and major cost saving project. I've watched some videos and it really seems simple to do.

So, thoughts on how thin I can wear those pads down? and thoughts/guidance on doing it myself.

Any help will be great!! Thank you all.

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