Originally Posted by Gelbster
"would their oil feed system and a standard un-sealed single row ball bearing be a viable option?"
Probably should distinguish between single/double row ? If it is double, there is less incentive to go with any roller bearing kit?
Another option in this theme would be to use Pedro's DOF because his bearing is sealed on the inside and may minimize oil intrusion to the IMS tube. In theory you could use Pedro's DOF & the roller bearing? Ask Pedro. That may be attractive for cars originally fitted with a single row IMSB.
Actually, introducing pressurized oil from the flywheel side has multiple potential issues. First, just how much oil is necessary? LN's history of more than 25K units successfully running on just the oil mist inside the engine say that not much is needed. Bearing engineers have chimed in to say that while some is good, a lot is not so good as it can induce "skidding" rather than rolling in the bearing balls, which they say is not a good thing. It is also common for shops to remove the rear seal from the third generation IMS bearings which cannot be easily retrofitted, and to my knowledge, there have been no reports of any of the oversized bearings run this way subsequently failing. Add in that it is well known that the factory bearings leak oil into the shaft behind the bearings without any induced pressure, pressurizing them is going to accelerate this process. Lastly, as Jake has already noted, where you source the pressurized oil from is critical; you want the oil to be clean and as cool as possible, while not short changing any other pressure lubricated components. With oil from the cylinder head being one of the hottest, as well as the dirtiest sources, and there have been multiple reports of both valve noise and VarioCam problems on engine's using the cylinder head oil to lube the IMS which promptly disappeared when the oil lines were plugged, you have to ask yourself if this is really someplace you want to go.