Thread: This & That
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Old 11-16-2016, 08:04 PM   #16
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Some of THAT

It occurred to me that the thread has been almost all about THIS, and hardly anything about THAT. I was out driving THAT at mid-day today and decided to stop for a few pictures. Since I figured out manual shifting the Tiptronic for a spirited drive, THAT has been a lot more fun.

West side of the Ft Gibson Dam:

East side of the Dam. Hwy 80 winding up the hill in the background:

Hwy 80 between the dam and the town of Hulbert is a great drive. It has good pavement, winding corners, hills, and little traffic. Too busy driving to take pictures, but I did pull off on a side road along the lakeshore for a few more shots:

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Last edited by 78F350; 11-17-2016 at 07:10 AM.
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