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Old 11-11-2016, 04:24 PM   #383
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Mine came yesterday. I thought it was going to be made in China but the box said its an Italian company! Today I finished up my nine8six projector headlight conversion and started on the shifter. I bought a shifter from Woody and mounted Ben's shifter in that bracket. Tomorrow I'll install it in the car.

To get the shifter into the bracket, I had to unscrew the back round thing that the bearing is pressed onto from the blue part, then screw it back in after getting the rest of the shifter in place in the bracket. Then the cups went in over the bearings. I might have been able to get it all in without taking it apart but I didn't want to risk breaking the bracket. I'm sure tomorrow I'll spend more time on cleaning under the console area than doing the actual installation.

Thanks for doing this Ben!
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