11-11-2016, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by eddy
All right everyone, sorry for the delay.
I put 350 or so miles on the car after the 987 airbox and ben plenum/big tb install. It feels significantly stronger and the sound is better/louder than the desnorkeled 986 box i had before. I felt from the midrange up it really woke up the engine. From a "feel" perspective, this has been a wonderful upgrade.
Unfortunately I only got 3hp and 3tq according to the dyno (223 hp up to 226, 196tq up to 199). Temps were within a few degrees of one another, humidity was similar. I was quite surprised about the results. In order to better understand if my car is an anomaly it'd be great to see the results from a couple other cars.
The dyno guy (Hutter performance-- typically a GM tuner, but they had, of all things, a 962 there for a tune when I was there. They're a really well-respected shop in Northeast Ohio) said there was room for more power if I got a tune, but he didn't think there was a lot there to be gained.
So the numbers don't appear to be there, on my car, anyway, but if I hadn't gotten it dynoed I would've thought this was a solid 15 hp+ upgrade. Wish I could have reported a more positive result, and I hope I am an anomaly! I'm still very happy to have done this, though.
From what we have seen, your results are about average, with most of the small gains at the high end of the RPM curve.
“Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein