Projector Headlights
Update on the headlights. They're finished!
I dremelled both of the pre-facelift indicators to clear, but they just didn't get to a standard that I was happy with. Build quality is a major part of this car, and I didn't want any part of it to look 'bodged'. Unfortunately I've had to just keep them for parts and have thrown the fronts out as they're no good now. So I just bit the bullet and opened my actual facelift headlights.
They opened brilliantly!
So I've done the following:
- Opened the headlights with a heat gun, kept the edges at 90 degrees C for about 5 minutes.
- Took the orange indicator interior cover and replaced it with the clear version out of the spare pre-facelift lights
- Dremelled the H7 attachment area completely flat, and widened the bulb hole a little
- Sprayed the inner reflectors and inner trim matt black
- Installed the projector lens
- Installed the HID bulb
- Sealed the headlight
Opened up, ad doing a test fit of the projector before they're sprayed
Sprayed matt black
Testing and levelling
Muchos better

I can't comment on the light output until tomorrow as I'm using a H7 bulb that's fitted badly (they're supposed to fit H1's), so the light isn't great due to the loose bulbs. The H1's are coming tomorrow, so I'll report back then.
The bi-xenon projectors work great when activating the high beam too, as the shields flick down to throw the light upwards. Trouble is, they use the dipped beams, so when they're not on and you flash someone, no light comes out as they need to be on. I'm currently trying to work out how to wire it up to enable the dipped beams when the high beams are engaged. Failing that, I'll just use the original high beam bulb.
But yeah, they're fantastic

very happy with then.