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Old 10-29-2016, 05:02 PM   #7
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so you've put around 15,3K USD in 5 years and 47k miles for repairs, maintenance and updates in your car. That means around 3K USD per year and 0,33 USD per mile.

I don't think that is too expensive for a sports car. Pretty shure another 987 in the 15-17K USD range will cost you the same if you don't do the workshop stuff yourself.

987.1 cars have similar problems than 986 cars. But you can't change an IMS at this cars without disassembling the engine.

987.2 cars have a complete new technical and engine design. But i think they are not in your price range.

You have invested a lot in your 986. I would stay with the car, because i think you won't get the costs for the repairs when you sell it. And you know what has been done to the car.

If i would decide to buy a new Boxster i would buy a 987.2 or a 981 from a technical aspect.

Maybe it's a good idea to drive these cars in person, so get an impression of the differences.

Regards, Markus
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