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Old 10-19-2016, 02:32 PM   #26
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
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If I were selling it...

You need to give the potential buyer a hint about why you are disinvesting in the Boxster...what your reason/motivation for selling is. I don't want to buy a car you are giving up on, I do want to buy the car you have a life change reason for selling. (Bought that way twice. Sold that way once.)

Omit the prices. Show the car without the bra. Stress the positives which are many. Something like this.

"Recently updated suspension, brakes, tune-up. IMS replacement done. (Was the clutch done?) Recent oil/fluids change. Receipts available. Life style change (baby on the way) forces sale for 4 door econobox."

It is the leaf looking season in NY, so prices barely hold with people expecting snow.
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