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Old 10-05-2016, 05:49 PM   #292
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Northeast Ohio
Posts: 67
ok, I got started on this today. some quick notes:

I removed the factory plenum using the reverse of Ben's install notes above. came right out.

I observed that the AOS hole in the Ben Plenum (Benum? Blenum?) was significantly smaller than factory. The photo isn't perfect-- the inside diameter of Ben's is nearly the same as the inside diameter of stock, but then it pinches into a tiny hole. I decided to open it up a bit because I wanted to keep it as close to factory as possible.
After sanding it smooth and cleaning it up I test fit it. A little side to side adjusting and it lined up well. I'm confident that the bands are tightened down on enough plastic and nothing is going anywhere.

Going to pull it out because I have to do the 987 airbox and it might be good to have it out of the way. Also going to do the AOS while I am in here. Will make a little progress in the next two days but it'll be next week before it all comes together.

sorry about the links; having trouble posting pics.

Last edited by eddy; 10-05-2016 at 05:52 PM.
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