Originally Posted by rexcramer
WTH, the battery and the alternator both tested good at Autozone. So I put it back in and fired it up. Magic, charging system mysteriously fixed its self?  System is putting out +/-14.4 volts.
I plugged my OBDII reader in and zero codes stored or pending. Long shot; I am tempted to pull the 'high amp' fuse cover off and look for corrosion. Any suggestions from my esteemed colleagues?
I have to fix/replace something or my wife will never get back in the car. 
For what it's worth, and you may already know, but simply putting a Fluke on a battery does indicate its status.
I assume Autozone put a load tester on the battery, and gave you the OK on it.
I had a similar problem on an old Ford van a while back.
The battery terminals were not making good contact.
No visual signs of corrosion on the battery posts or lead clamps.
Just enough dirt/oil/time had seeped between the post and clamps to make the system shut down.
Hit it with electrical cleaner, wire brush, and placed the red & green chemically infused battery felt pads and never had a problem again.
I put those impregnated donuts on all of my batteries.