It's all about timing and location for buyers and sellers. I posted a silver or grey hard top for $1,400 on craigslist near me that everyone thought was expensive. It's no longer posted so maybe he sold it. I got mine for about $1,100 on eBay and drove to Long Island right after a major snow storm to pick it up. My car is a Seal Grey S and this was a Seal Grey S hardtop - there are actually standard and S hardtops I found out afterwards, the S version has the titanium color plastic trim on the rear window to match the windshield trim. I wouldn't have cared either way but I lucked out. Later on Craigslist I saw a hardtop that had been resprayed Guards Red going for $600. The seller was an auto body shop, selling it because the person who brought it in never came back to pay for it and pick it up. I have a friend with a Guards Red Boxster and couldn't get him interested.