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Old 09-12-2016, 01:41 PM   #2835
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Noticed that my left axle boot - that i replaced 1.500 Km ago was torn. OK, bought stupid expensive new ones from Porsche and these stupid expensive clips. Started today with the left axle and noticed that on the right axle both axle boots are torn.

This axle boot job is not a fun job. Grease everywhere. I think you'll need another person get the axles out if you don't disassemble the exhaust on an 2003 S. I needed 2 other persons to get the axle out.

On the left side i disassembled the outer joint. Bad idea. Took me an hour to get it back together. So at the moment both axles are out. One axle is ready for reinstall.

Also never had deinstalled the right side. So had bigger problems to get bolts and nuts loose. Used a rust solver but it didn't work good. 13 years of being fitted together.

Also didn't use these fu.... Porsche clips to mount the axle boots. Used Oetiker clips which are so much better in my opinion. But they are also expensive. You have to take more care on the differential side where exactly you put the clip so you don't get in conflict with the bolts.

Also checked the control arms. Seems that they are grilled from the engine heat. No more grease in them. Turned the joint 90 degrees and filled in new grease that i have bought for the axle boot. But i think i have to replace them.

Well and there are some other things on list. Engine mount, water pump, thermostat, coolant fluid change, new stabilizer mounts… long list. Next year i need a new clutch and dmf. But i think i won't do that myself.

Regards, Markus
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