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Old 09-07-2016, 09:55 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ttomtom View Post
Tried again to create and send a log to Durametric and sometimes it said "OBC is already enabled". Other times it just threw the usual "Didn't receive the correct number of bytes ..." error.

Exactly the same as what happened to littlewiggler.

Durametric said my OBC is enabled but why can't I use it then? I've done all the wiring and keep pressing all the buttons.
Just to make sure my wiring is correct.

I wired buttons to terminals 21, 22, 23, 24 of the grey connector on the back of the instruments cluster. These should be shorted to ground to navigate in the OBC menu.

As my new instrument cluster is the new version with the digit speedo in the left gauge I think these are the correct pins.

Can someone please confirm this.

The old cluster's wiring should be 20,21,22,25. My car was registered in 2000 but according the VIN it is 2001 and has the newer cluster.
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