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Old 08-26-2016, 10:55 PM   #27
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Well, my work week went by quickly with alternating dead calm and high-speed adventure. I took Saturday off to have a birthday party at the lake for two of my grandkids (4 and 5 years old), and visit with family.
Also, a big scare: My son in law works highway bridge construction. He was hit by a truck, and thrown back about 15 feet to where he hit his shoulder hard enough to fracture his scapula. His hardhat was badly dented and has tire marks on it. Lots of bruising and sore from his head to his shins, but he's going to be okay. The corner of the box-truck that hit him was dented. He could have easily been killed, or crippled for life. Please drive with extra caution in construction zones.
Not much was done on the car, but now I'm off again and back at it. I stripped out the doors and airbags, swapped the bumper covers, and stripped the trunk.

A few notes:
-I have plenty of experience replacing window regulators, so the doors were easy for me. Again, Pelican Parts tech articles and the 101 Projects book were a great resource the first time I did it.
-Be sure to remove the screw marked by the green arrow. It attaches a foil-thin metal sheet to the airbag frame. The foil has been ripped on over half the doors I've seen, caused by people neglecting this screw:

-The trunk looked fairly dry, but the board under the mat was saturated. It started to crumble as I pulled it out. Moisture really hides in these cars.
-There's been plenty of discussion about cleaning out radiators. It's worth doing at least once a year if you drive regularly:

Bumper cover assignments:

-THAT got the rear cover with the painted bumperettes.
-Der Box gets the front (996) bumper cover.
-Rick is getting the original front bumper cover that came with my 2000 S. - Some minor damage and scraping on the bottom, but not too bad.

Not really much left for me to do on this car since Rick is going to take over. Lots of parts to sort through, store or sell. Lots of things to do to my other cars to maintain and improve.

I lined up all six in the driveway and took a few pictures before the front bumper came off:
I love the look of all the different wheels.

I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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