Thread: tailgating
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Old 08-17-2016, 08:56 PM   #20
There Is No Substitute.
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Originally Posted by 2000986s View Post
My boxster is the first stick shift car I've ever owned and I learned manual only a few months ago. When I'm on a steep hill and someone crawls up my ass I get soooo nervous... Usually I preemptively let off the brake and roll back a bit to let them know I'm a stick shift and they should not be an inch away from my rear end when I'm trying to come out of first on a steep uphill
I remember when I was learning to drive a stick I got stuck at a red light going up a very steep hill and this guy pulled right up behind me, within a few inches. My dad got out told the guy to back off, then pulled the handbrake while I revved up the engine.

I don't have any issues with uphill starts anymore, but it certainly took a while to master them. Every now and then I will accidentally over rev the engine, or if I can see a light uphill I drive slowly so it has time to turn green. It takes time, but you'll get the hang of it!
1999 Ocean Blue Metallic Boxster -
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