I don't find tailgating to be Boxster specific, but I love my 986 so I am always working to be in the best/safest position when driving on the highway. That means: never get boxed in on two sides, never sit in someone's blindspot, never tailgate, if someone is tailgating either change lanes or leave enough room in front for you both to brake, if someone is in your blindspot speed up or slow down. And try to avoid brake checking people, it's not worth the risk of getting rear ended.
I find there are two types of tailgaters: people in a hurry and bad drivers. People in a hurry will normally pass you if you go the speed limit. Bad driver's tend to tailgate whoever is in front of them regardless of speed, so I just change lanes so they can tailgate someone else.
1999 Ocean Blue Metallic Boxster - blueboxster.com