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Old 08-11-2016, 11:25 PM   #91
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Posts: 189
My yellow 2000 S

Hi Chaps
Here is a pic of 2000 S, its know in our family as the flying banana.

95k miles but with full service history. I love the speed yellow and blue combo.

I also love how the 18 turbo twist alloys fill out the arches, sits nice and low, thanks to it having the Euro suspension.

My only plan so far is to lube the starter motor bendix as it squels now and again on start up.

Oh ye and Im planning on replacing the blue seat belts with yellow ones.

The elderly chap who I bought it from informed me it was his 5th porsche, he had 4 911's before this.

I will always remember his parting words to me were "Porsches don't drive themselves but the more you drive it the more you will want to drive it"

How right he was....... its like driving something thats alive is the best way to describe it I think.
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