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Old 08-09-2016, 11:46 PM   #3
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Delivery and First Impression

The driver dropped it off Tuesday afternoon. As he was unloading it he mentioned that they had started it up and drove it to his truck at the shop.
I was thrilled that it had run and horrified that they had run it without coolant or oil. Oh well, the assumption was that the engine was not salvageable...

I put it in the garage, jacked it up. I have a couple hours before I have to work.

The plan:
>Find out what is left of the engine.
-Get a look from the top and bottom.
-Read the DTCs
-Check the filter
-Add fluids and see what happens if I crank it???

Top looks decent.

Bottom looks pretty nasty. RMS? IMS? Could be ugly...

Here's the codes from a generic reader:

Yep, that looks pretty sparkly.

...Hold on a minute. None of that is sticking to my magnet. Most of it is black sealant? plastic? chain ramp?

I put a filter on and went to the store to get the cheapest oil I could find. This is mostly for a flush and to see if anything catastrophic happens when I crank it. I got 2 gallons of "Lubriguard" 15W-40 for under $20 and poured some in the engine. Checked the dipstick. Still totally dry. I remembered that the oil level on the instrument panel had actually read full when I was checking the DTCs. I checked again to verify. Yes, oil level is maxed out on the gauge. Suddenly I put it all together.... Dipstick tube is broken and the stick is not going into the engine! It's had plenty of oil the whole time.

That was all I had time for. Cleaned up a bit, closed it up and put a cat-resistant cover over the top. :dance:
More tomorrow. Will I crank it? Is it going to run? Will everything be sunshine if I just replace the dipstick tube and coolant cap????
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