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Old 08-09-2016, 10:51 PM   #1
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Oh no, another...

Here it is, a journal to help me keep track of what I have done and what I was thinking. Read and comment if you like. No telling how it's going to turn out at this point. This could take a while....

The Ad
One day I figured out that five 986 Boxsters is too many. I can't drive them all enough, they take up a lot of space, there is always some maintenance that has to be done, there is no way to keep them all fresh on the inside and polished on the outside without additional staff. Four was doable, five was just too many.
About the time I was paying a shop to fix a leaking RMS & IMS because I just didn't have time to do it myself, I saw a Craiglist add for a 99 with a bad engine. I think the price was $2,650. Not a bad price, but nothing to jump at. I forgot about it and didn't even look at Craigslist for a couple weeks. Then a slow night at work, I saw it again. Same car, now $2,295. Hmmm. Looks like someone might get a good deal. Even if the engine isn't salvageable, there's a lot of car still there. I printed up the listing, just to remind myself to check on it later – curiosity.

Next day, my wife is clearing the table where I had emptied my pockets.
"What's this?" She holds the ad I printed up.
I explain to her that it looks like it might be a good deal, but there is no way we should get it. No room, no time, too much going on and too many projects. ...but it is an Arctic Silver 99 and we have a few Arctic Silver 99s. Maybe we should get it. Parts car, you know? Or maybe put the 2.5L from the S model into it and sell it.
"Call, and check it out. You'll know if it's worth it." (My enabler)

I call on Thursday evening. It's privately owned, but it's at a shop. I can see it any time during business hours. I plan to see it late Friday afternoon, but just get too busy. Good, I really don't need it anyway. Let someone else have it.

Monday, noon, I check the ad to see if it sold. It's now $2000 "bottom dollar". It's an hour drive. I call to make sure it will still be there, grab some cash and head out. I drive an Arctic Silver 99 Boxster.
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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