Just attempted this repair on my Boxster. Bought a regulator off of Amazon. It arrived and it was a Chinese knock off. I installed it anyway against my better judgement. I started the car, the battery light went off and it was fine. Checked the voltage and it was putting out around 14.4 volts, for almost exactly 1 minute. Then the battery light went back on. All of the sudden it was putting out 18 volts and climbing. I cut it off, and called the carquest distribution center about 25 miles away. They had one in stock (they also have a store attached to the warehouse). They set one aside for me and I went and got it. On the way there I stopped at Pep Boys and had them test it just to verify that it was the alternator and not something else. It was the alternator and it tested at 18 volts for them too. Got the reman unit from carquest. $160 and a lifetime warranty. Put it in, and started the car. 13.8 volts and it stayed that way. Drove it around the block a little, warmed it up, and let it run for about 30 mins. Had the AC running so that it had a load on it. Ran great. At also idles more consistently now, and the lights don't flicker (the regulator was failing for months).
One quick tip. The bushing seems to be what every one struggles with. I used and air chisel and had it driven back in seconds. Put a 15mm socket with a 1/2 drive on the bolt, ran a 12" 3/8 extension through it, and put the chisel bit on the end of the whole thing. Drove it right back. The whole install took around 5 mins. Putting the interior back together was the hard part.
02 Boxster
71 VW Karmann Ghia
71 VW Super Beetle
Last edited by Swhitcomb; 07-31-2016 at 04:07 AM.