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Old 07-30-2016, 02:53 PM   #119
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Dahlonega , Georgia
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I am going to fast forward aprox. two weeks from now . We all have received our spoilers and moving to the next phase. We have " test fit " our spoilers and found out Joe did a great job and they fit great . So now we have to get them painted. Some ( like me ) will do this themselves. So we order online or from local FLAPS the adhesion promoter, primer , paint and clear coat. What sandpaper grits do we use ? I'm thinking maybe 220 to start to knock down the sheen of the gelcoat then move to 800 and finish with maybe 1200 ? Clean the spoiler then hit it with adhesion promoter. Do you sand the promoter ? Then hit with two to three light coats of primer ? Sand and then 3 - 4 coats of color and several coats of clear ? Wet sand the clear and we are done ?
2002 Boxster S Arctic Silver with black top with glass window and black leather interior. Jake Raby 3.6 SS ( the beast ) with IMS Solution. 996 GT3 front bumper , GT3 rocker covers and GT3TEK rear diffuser and Joe Toth composites rear ducktail spoiler .
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