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Old 07-22-2016, 11:17 AM   #2743
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Eastern NC
Posts: 701
So last Friday I decided not to drive the Boxster to work. However, lunch last Friday started an interesting series of events.

While finishing lunch my right side vison went a little blurry. It's not unusual when in a dark room, with a bright sun glaring in one eye. After paying the bill and driving back to the office there was a little numbness my right hand. Like it had fallen asleep while being used to block the sun in my face. At work pressing the elevator buttons the feedback and tactile feel was not registering in my mind. It took a few tries to get the combination right for the door lock to my office area. I was greated by one of my coworkers. He spoke to me. Now, he is an intelligient person but whatever he said made zero sense. VIt was just a bunch of non sensical words. VWhich left me in an odd confusing sort of situation. When smiling, trying not to to laugh at the situation it became apparent the right side of my face was now numb. I sat down for a moment to ponder the surroundings and ponder my next steps.

I then decided to walk upstairs to a check in desk. Fortunately for me, I work in one the 10 best Medical Centers in the US and was receiving stroke treatment within minutes. A few hours later and after a dose of TPA things were starting to feel back to normal. 4 days later I was able to walk away with only one issue: Finding the cause of the blood clot.

I have driven the Boxster to three of the four doctor's appointments of this past week.
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Last edited by BFeller; 07-22-2016 at 02:16 PM.
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