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Old 07-08-2016, 10:59 AM   #1271
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Hello out there, any update

Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
Hello friends ((using-my-embarrassed-tone)),

I’ve received quite a few pm related to the back-order issue and just wanted to reassure that I am trying everything I can to get things moving. It will happen before the end of this month. We plan and aim for this (around the clock almost here believe me).

I'll be honest, atm I am working aggressively along with mate Andy here on the technologies that we’ll need to get things rolling smoothly. We are currently busy designing secure web services to support the distribution and retail aspects of our little start-up here e.g. dedicated cloud-based server and back-end, PCI compliance for payments, ecommerce platform with group/roles to support both distributor and customer level, stuff like that.

We are particularly struggling in getting some fancy visuals decided for e.g pics of the shop, the new cnc machines, ‘the workbench’ basically. Renderings, videos of the actual products, installation manuals, Our Blog!... arrgg there are tons of things that remains on the To Do list it’s almost annoying. All good fun!

^ We want (neeeed) to get all of that out of the way before moving to assembly and packaging, or manufacturing, and oh... resuming wip from a few projects that we had running last autumn. The day Andy and I will be in full-customer-support-mode, at that point we just won’t have time to give ‘technology’ additional developments - well at least this is not the objective for the rest of this year anyway!

RE technologies; did I mentioned the forced HTTP2 and TLS1.2 / HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) full implementation??? That’s right, our server-side and eCommerce technologies will run on the most secured back-end you can possibly have today - same as your bank basically (backed info, you can run it to SSLLabs or similar tools if you don't believe me). Not to mention local hdd military grade encryption for ours & partner’s solid model part files, nda agreement templates… etc etc... man, not all that easy to start-up :/

All Top Notch as everyone would expect and certainly would hope it to be (I would anyway). Here’s a quick peak preview of the site’s inner peace (static visual).

(ps. any sort of help from the community is always welcome lolll)

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