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Old 07-07-2016, 08:23 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
My big question is what is the source of the oil leak??????

I'd start there and then catch up the rest of the maintenance as you have time/money.

If the car has made it 78K miles on the original IMS, I'd wait and consider doing it when you need a clutch (unless the cam deviation values indicate otherwise).
Excellent point. Often it is just the spark plug tubes. My 2000 S had a leak from a loose fitting on the AOS. Both of those are (relatively) easy to fix and cheap parts. I was trying to convince myself for months that my current leak was not the RMS, then told myself it wasn't really that bad....
Anyway, dcs9654, do you want to get all maintenance and everything that is wrong fixed at once? Then spend the money. If that's more than you want to spend, determine the leak source and see if it can be fixed without the transmission coming out and just fix the leak for now. -Maybe a second opinion from another shop.
As others have said, the dual row IMS bearing is not that much of a worry at 78k miles.
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